Sunday, September 9, 2012

rule of thirds - a diptych

the strangest thing happens
with this new film from impossible...
bizarre (but lush!) colours are captured,
textures come out of nowhere,
and sometimes a third of the shot
gets cut off the top.

i'm starting to realize
i really have to pay attention to
the rule of thirds...


  1. Beautiful colors! That Chrome & the Ice Queen song over at FMFY is so awesome.

    1. oh! i had no idea that kate had posted about chrome + the ice queen until you commented here...hooray! aren't they amazing!? :) (and thank you for your compliment too!!)

  2. Dear In Dreams,

    I have got to know your name. haha

    1. hey ciara! it's lindsay. i'm just insanely shy about posting it publicly.... :)

    2. Haha that's fine! I used to have an anonymous blog too... back in the day! Glad to be properly introduced, since you're such a loyal Sabler. ;)

    3. i've actually been thinking about getting a more public (read: professional) profile going...but it's hard, especially since i've been blogging under pseudonyms since my livejournal days! i still have yet to post a picture of myself on here, which i'm sure would help people take me a bit more seriously, or something. :)

      and you're very welcome! your blog is really awesome, and i'm loving all the new features (um, features? or...series?) you've got going on...

  3. Oh I had that struggle a couple of years ago. G&S was very impersonal and I had an anonymous personal one that I kept pretty private, which had me pretty torn. I was finally urged by one of my friends to join them, and I'm so glad I did, because now I feel more free! I'm a little weird with the posting of pictures of myself too. I don't have much reason to either, as I'm not a fashion blogger (though I love fashion) - it's just not something I'm not interested in. Thanks again for all the blog love. You've always been such a loyal reader and I really appreciate it. I love the new features too! I love switching things up every now and then.

    1. that's so good to hear - i've been worried about how impersonal this blog is, with no 'face' to it, and no real day-to-day activity postings. it's so good to know that someone had the same reservations as me, and managed to overcome them...maybe i do just need to have a mega-overhaul and get myself out there, no holds barred! it'll be hard posting shots of myself - i also love fashion, but i've been pretty shy recently due to having to go back to wearing glasses (which doesn't sound too awful, but i hate them!), so i've been feeling less like showing anything off, and more like hiding, haha. :)

      and i love your blog - i think you've got one of the best out there! it's a great combo of design + happenings + music + life....! :)

  4. these are amazing!
